
Thursday, January 20, 2005

Welcome to the world of Mecca Cola

Wow - I guess somebody figured out Coke was an American brand. Mecca Cola Is supposed to be an Islamic replacement, I understand they plan to release Jihad Cola soon.

I don't think they like us:

"Following the example of business activities started by charitable associations - « the charity-business » - we considered the idea of launching a new concept, namely that of putting the economy to work in the interest of ideology."

They are going to use the sale of Mecca Cola to do what exactly?

"...Because of this, militant people who are experiencing financial difficulties have no other alternative than to create profit-making activities to enable them to achieve their objectives, even though they did not start out as either traders or capitalists."

They are going to fund terrorism.

"...The Palestinian people are experiencing indifference and general complicity, these being the most wretched and the most contemptible acts of apartheid and Zionist fascism."

Specifically, they are going to fund Palestinian terrorist.

Great – have a Mecca cola, kill an Israeli. That’s a marketing plan that will work! I wonder who owns this brand?

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