
Monday, January 31, 2005

Stencil Art - Budapest

This was painted about head high a block away from Central Budapest. I had seen a few like it as we drove to the city. I don't know what it means yet. I'll ask around and see what I turn up.


  1. I love stencil art, and photogrphing it. I would love to know what it says.

    when did you go to budapest? you were just in cali...

  2. I left for Budapest on Sunday. I return on Friday. I'm on a quick business trip to look at a manufacturing facility in Nevesvamos. The one thing I can say about Budapest, it has a lot of graffiti.

  3. Love it!! There is a lot to say about the culture of ex-communist eastern europe and I think graffiti is a good way to say it.

  4. Anonymous11:01 PM

    I was just thinking that it's interesting how pictures like that appeal to people across the globe.

    And passthebread, I seem to remember a previous comment where you wrote that graffiti "is like taking a crap on someone's lawn." Are the tags in Budapest really that different from the ones here?

    Anywho, I hope Budapest is treating you well! Find some new gloves!

    - Leslie

  5. It means "Pretty"
