
Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Oban Single Malt Scotch 32 year old

I just recently finished my last bottle of Oban Single Malt 32 year old Scotch (ok, my only bottle). I love the stuff. It is quite simple the best Scotch I have ever drank. I wanted to buy another bottle but, well, maybe not. The price is almost $500 a bottle online. I picked up my last bottle while in Europe two years ago, but only paid about $200 for it. I got to thinking, is there some tariff on Scotch Wiskey that is driving up the price, or is this just gauging? I visited the United States International Trade Commission and found the Scotch Whiskey’s are only assessed at $2 tariff per liter(page 10 of 13 on the pdf). Therefore, it is not a trade restriction driving up the price. It must be demand. Further Searching showed I had picked up a "rare" Scotch. Rare = high price = I am screwed.

I am thinking of posting a link to my PayPal account for donations to the Joe needs an Oban charity. Everyone seems to be in a giving mood lately, it might work.


  1. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Hi there, I think I could organize you a bottle for about 300€ = 400$.

    Still interested?


  2. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Hello Joe

    Just purchased a bottle direct from the Oban Distillery whilst on holiday there last week. Will give you a shout in about ten years when we intend on selling it via EBay!!!


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