
Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Nutball Altert: Bush's Remarks on Religion Offends Atheists

I don't get it. So Bush's remarks on religion offends atheists. So what. I am an Atheist, but i have enough common sense to know that this issue is stupid. It is a waste of people's time, therefore nobody will really care and this issue is moot. Let me explain. Bush apparently said something like:

“I don't see how you can be president - at least from my perspective, how you can be president, without a - without a relationship with the Lord,"

What is the Meta message here?

From within the presidents world view, he cannot understand how anybody could do the job with a “relationship with the Lord”. He is not saying one must be a Christian to hold office, nor is he saying only Christians should hold office. He is not even saying Atheists should be excluded from holding office. He is saying that being a Christian is important to him. Is this wrong? Well… no, not at all.

The people at American Atheists qualify as my “Nutball of the Week”. Their illogical attacks on our county and way of life baffle me. There are other battles to fight. Important battles, like making sure we can teach undiluted science in our public schools. Dave Silverman, communications director for American Atheists, was looking for publicity; instead he looks like an ass.

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