
Sunday, January 23, 2005

LSD Blotter Art Examples

This is a blast back to the good old days of the 70s. The Erowid LSD Vault : Blotter Art Examples: "LSD Blotter Art Gallery" is a nostalgic look back at the art that adorned ones typical LSD tab. In my day, it was Goofy, Microdot, and “have a nice day” symbols (so I hear).

Back when I was a kid, acid were just part of growing up. It was everywhere (it was the 70s afterall). I look at these pictures today and think, “30 years in jail”. Times do change.

An acid flashback.

I remember being in the Air Force in 1980. I was in tech school learning to fix planes somewhere in Illinois called Chanute. I went out for a weekend beer drinking bender with a few of my mates. Along the way, most of them dropped acid. I pooped out after 12 hours of drinking a fell asleep at our camp sight. The next morning, all the acidheads were gone, so was my ride. I walked back to the base with a few friends, all were nursing bruising hangovers. When we walked through the gate, we were picked up for questioning by the base police. It seems my acidhead friends were busted and were trying to spread the love around by naming names. We all had to take drug tests, those of us that failed were washed out of the service under a general discharge. I passed the drug test, and so did one other guy. I cannot remember the total numberof people involved now, but 11 or 12 seems right. I was sentenced to 45 days of mowing lawns because I did not try to prevent my friends from getting high, and because I did not roll over on them when picked up by the base police. I had a perfectly valid excuse; I was absolutely shit faced drunk at the time, which I understood to be legal.

Drugs blow. I HATE mowing the lawn.

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