
Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Holy Relic - Veil of the Virgin Mary

Many of my readers, well ok 12 of my readers, have written me about the Cathedral Notre Dame De Chartres in France. Most readers have requested I post additional pictures of the Cathedral, and in particular, picture of the Holy Relic housed in the Cathedral. I have a few shots of the relic, but because of photography restrictions in the Cathedral, they are of very low quality. I was forced to shoot freehand with a 1 to 2 second exposure. Most pictures looked pretty iffy.

The veil of the Virgin Mary is called The Sancta Camisia. It is supposed to be the actual veil worn by the Virgin Mary. I cannot vouch for its authenticity, but I can say it is protected as if it is very valuable. It also looks good for being 2000 years old.

More pics will follow when I get the time to work on them. I have some great indoor shots of the choir screen.

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