
Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Carson Ugly # 20 - The Grocery Store

This is the last installment on the Carson Ugly project. It has been a fun six months documenting the ugliness of Carson one picture at a time. I could continue the journey, and perhaps I will, but for now, I am ending the project at 20 pictures.

© Copyright 2004 Mojoey

This is an abandoned building in the heart of Carson. It has been abandoned for at least eight years, maybe longer. I have driven past place hundreds of times without much of a thought, and then today my friend Brad pointed it out to me as I passed. He instinctively knew it was Carson Ugly, he was right. This place is unimaginative and grim, a perfect fit for Carson.

© Copyright 2004 Mojoey

This wooden beam was in what was once the parking lot of the grocery store above. Recent rains had surrounded it with a new growth of grass. The parking lot is desolate. It is about two acres in size and is surrounded by a rundown chain link fence, which is open in several areas. The place just begs for a good murder, and is most likely a good place to score some drugs after dark. Why would Carson have a place like this one block from the civic center? I am sure they have a good reason, right?

© Copyright 2004 Mojoey

I ran into “Bud” while taking pictures today. He used to work at this abandoned grocery store. He said, “In its day, it was quite nice, and had a good selection of fruit”, then he started to ramble about the Korean war, gambling, and how he did not need to beg for a living because he made good money collecting bottles and cans. -- I went back to work and doubled my 401k deduction.

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