
Sunday, January 02, 2005

Carson Ugly #18 - The Ladder

© Copyright 2004 Mojoey

This picture bothers me. I cannot figure out what they were thinking when they built this cage around a telephone pole. At first, I thought maybe the pole was valuable. Then I noticed that it was protected by a curb that would keep cars away, plus its location is kind of out of the way, so only a bad driver would hit it. Then I thought it might be to keep people from climbing the fence. Of course, then I noticed it is shaped more like a latter. Then I thought, maybe it is a decoration, a bad decoration, but a decoration nonetheless.

I could not figure it out, and it bothered me, so I called the property manager. He told me to mind my own friggen business. With a little coaxing, because I was really super nice and said please a lot, he said he never could figure it out either. He suggested I call the City. What City you might ask? Why CARSON of course! – They did not know either.

So I let it set until I could come up with a good explanation, then gave up. This is Carson Ugly #18. I am calling it "The Ladder" (because that's what I think it's used for).

*** Update ***

A friend tells me this is just a bad contracting job. They should have bricked in the alcove. Duh, and it’s kind of my point. Only in Carson would a contractor be able to get away with this kind of crap in a public space.

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