
Thursday, October 14, 2004

Do Christians hate The Lord of the Rings?

I know I am going to incur the wrath of my friend Brad for pushing the Nutball Christian button again, but… a friend (yes I have more than one) sent me this link, and I just must pass it on. Be warned, the writer may just be a nutball. It is hard to tell, and in truth, my brain went blink-blink-stop about half way through the article. I had to manually restart it with some 18 year old Glenfiddich before I could put finger to keyboard. The basic story is that The Lord of The Rings is evil and Christians should boycott it. Ahem, like I said, nutball.

I crused the rest of his site. He (Eric Berger) hates everyone. There are ample links to why Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Freemasons, Muslims, Wiccans, and Catholics, readers of Harry Potter and the Da Vinci Code, and those who celebrate Halloween, are all going wrong (from his perspective) and will end up in burning in hell. My personal favorite article, is his rant on “One Wife”, which says Christians who get divorced, must not remarry because it would be a sin. Hmmm, nuttier by the second. Jimmy, where is the cool aid served?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, this is a sad wing of the church that appears to be fear based in its approach to the world. I really think this is a combination of two things:
    1. A Michael Moore type of epistomology. In other words, they are willing to connect dots in the most obscure ways.
    2. They just do not get it with respect to art. This is such a sad thing.
    Anyway, I like that you are at least an equal opportunity "look at this nutball blogger" with respect to Wacky Christians, Islamists, and Michael Moore Lefties.
