Sunday, October 15, 2006

The problem with (my) photography

I like to take pictures of interesting people. However, Interesting people do not like it when I their picture. I have rotten luck asking people I don't know to pose for my lens. The results of these posed shots tend to be less authentic then the casual photos I like to shoot, so I am hesitant to do it. If I ask for a model release after I've shot a picture, well... I tend to get bad reactions.

I asked a man to pose for me today. He was interesting, with multiple piercing and some serious ink running up his neck. He laughed at me and then called me gay. Of course, his tone changed when I growled an obscenity (I am a very big man). He even apologized when it became apparent that he had pissed me off with a few of his other comments. But... no picture.

It would not have mattered. I often shoot on manual and sometimes I screw it up. Like I did today. I had the white balance set to tungsten; everything was blue and for the most part, underexposed too.

I found a tool that offers hope for my backward social contacts. I normally carry a business card that has Deep Thoughts and some verbiage about my blog. It does not emphasize photography. A new photo card service from Moo offers to print my Flickr photo stream on 100 cards while printing my blog info on the back. At about $20 for 100 cards, it's a deal. It is my hope that they will help to break the ice.

Today's photo is of a V for Vendetta costume in the widow of The Halloween Club.

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Lexcen said...

I suggest you try money. Money talks.

Nandes said...

I'm terrible at shooting random people in publc. Thankfully I have vain friends who love the lens. If only I had vain friends who wanted to get naked for the lens. I havn't shot nudes since highschool and their so much easier than shooting clothed people in terms of lighting and backgrounds.


Mojoey said...

I am more interested in odd people. I tried nudes in High School and could never really produce anything interesting - except for what passed for porn, which did not interest me. I would do odd and nude or odd and ugly, anything except a staged smile from a pretty face.