Monday, October 09, 2006

Atheism - the new homosexuality

Yep, they hate us. Using the name "Brites" is not much of a help either. Alan Perlman's article in the American Chronicle highlights what it means to be good with god, even when our fellow religious Americans would rather their children marry a Muslim.

A secular humanist is almost the same thing as an atheist. If there's a difference, I suppose it's that the atheist focuses on the absence of God, whereas secular humanists, if they don't deny the existence of God, simply consider him irrelevant -- and get on with the business of improving the world.
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Anonymous said...

"He repeated the cliche – which is untrue at best and libelous at worst – that dictators like Hitler, Stalin, and Mao Zedong are products of atheism.

This is absolutely ridiculous. Tyrants deify themselves and the state. They have nothing to do with secular humanism."

That's sounds very similar to me to Christians dodging responsibility for the crusades or conversion by force, or Muslims claiming that Islam is a religion of peace.

Mojoey said...

I never understand the desire to dodge responsibility. Take Mao, he was an atheist. His government was atheist. Mao killed millions. There were other factors involved sure, but Atheism is at least partially culpable. No? The same argument applies to Hitler and Stalin. I’ve always wondered if it’s the mix of Atheism and absolute power that creates the monster, or if they were monsters and used atheism and absolute power. At any rate, Atheism is in for a penny so to speak.